Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chapters 10 & 11

Ch. 10 Reading Aloud
Contrary to what some teachers think read alouds are appropriate for students of all ages. I know that personally even though I am a college student I still like being read a story in class. My social studies instructor reads to us occasionally and even at our age we get entertained. However read alouds aren't used just for entertainment but learning as well. Read alouds get students intrested in literature and reading as well as encouraging comprehension and expanding their vocabularies. It is important for the teacher to practice a good read aloud which entails sitting on the carpet with the students and being animated. While reading the story us different voices and accentuate words and expressions to keep the students interested. Jennifer Myers does a good example of a shared reading.

Ch. 11 Shared and Guided Reading
Shared reading is a collaborative reading activity involving both the students and teacher. Shared reading has two purposes. First it provides an enjoyable literacy experience and second it show how print works. In order to participate in shared reading the class should have active student participation, a variety of books, and a comfortable learning environment. When planning a lesson for shared reading keep in mind the needs of the students, the curriculum and the kinds of text that is needed to accomplish your goals.
Guided reading is done with small groups of students reading the same books and using the same reading strategies. The goal of guided reading is to get the students to be capable of using reading strategies easily on their own without help. When using guided reading lessons it is important to strategically group the students. Groups should be based on the students' reading level but teachers need to keep in mind that these groups shouldn't be permanent. Guided reading groups should change as students are matstering and struggling with new topics. You don't want to group students by ability and then leave them in the same group permanetly because then lower students will feel they will never catch up to the higher students.

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